Thursday, December 3, 2009


today was outing day with my group mate.....i went out from house around 10.30am and come back home it shows i had long day
we start from klcc(actually i was alone till12 something)then we walked in klcc area and did snapping from every little thing we interested in.....and then we went bukit bingtan and more walking and snapping........lastly went to pavilion where we rest in stares and talked about project some how brain storming and also we also courage each other:))) mostly me and juju tried to give hope and even we planed if we finish our works by timetable then we can have small trip together:P
i individually at brief day had bad kind of experience cause the grouping was kind of unfair in my was just me and juju...and the rest didn't even look to see....i think juju had the same feeling and then all people who didn't have group gathered with us...but then with long speak with juju we come with this idea to make our works so outstanding to show 2things to the rest..1st was we are not the poor and weakest group even if you didn't like us to be with you it doesn't mean we are weak and 2end to enjoy to be some of our un none classmate and make them happy to be with us as well:P
and that's all for today...i have to go and rewrite my easy and copy the archive Cd's

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